Hi, I'm Tommaso Armstrong, a PhD UX researcher passionate about designing inclusive and meaningful experiences.

About me

A picture of Tommaso standing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.

I’m currently finishing my PhD in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Technology Sydney. My research examines the way social platforms shape the experiences of queer young men and explores how their design might be improved. I also teach into Interaction Design and Design Innovation subjects.

Post-PhD, I'm looking to start an industry UX research role in late-2024. I'd love to hear from you if you're working or hiring in UX.

Contact me →

My research

LGBTQ+ young people depend heavily on social platforms to find peer support and explore their identities. However, they're often not considered in the design of such platforms.

My research focuses specifically on queer and trans young men and uses ethnographic and research through design approaches to address this gap.

Overview of research

  • Recruited and worked with 60+ queer and trans young people.
  • Used semi-structured interviews and a custom-designed probe kit to understand current experiences.
  • Ran co-design sessions with technology designers to generate 11 new concepts for social platform features.
  • Validated concepts in evaluation sessions with end-users.
  • Published findings in peer-reviewed conferences.

Publications to date

Get in touch for more info →

Me standing at a lectern presenting my work. Behind is a banner for the UTS Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion.
Speaking about my work at a panel on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).
A plastic box full of paper based activities and pens.
The probe kit given to participants to playfully explore their experiences on social platforms.
Looking down at a table that has worksheets and findings posters on it. The hands of participants writing are visible.
Participants fleshing out new concepts for social platform features.
Looking down at a table that has evaluation worksheets on it. The hands of participants writing are visible.
Participants working on evaluation sheets for new concepts.

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