Photos from DIS '24

From the opening keynote at DIS
From the opening keynote at DIS

Last week, I attended DIS '24 (The ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems) and presented a paper based on my PhD work. Throughout the conference, I worked as a student volunteer and took photos of a variety of sessions, workshops, keynotes, demos and breaks.

Overall I took 5,749 photos of which I selected 717 to share. If you saw me take a photo of you, it's probably here. To make them easier to navigate, I've split the photos up by session type.

Please note, you can only view and download the photos until August 8. By default, all photos will be selected when you open the link. To download specific photos, first press "Deselect all" at the top and then select the photos you want.

Me standing outside the venue with my cameras
Me standing outside the venue with my cameras